Streamline your bets with BtrBet

Analyze your performance and show the proof of your experience

Demonstrate the value of your content with verified results and analysis.

Track your bets with BtrBet

All your data from all your books, as granular as you need

Analyze your performance by book, sport, league, market, and bet type over a variety of time ranges. Show your audience your performance over time, and where you are finding value.

Whether you're digging into a single bet or a whole season of wagers, BtrBet's advanced anlalytics can you give you the insights you need to make your sports betting profitable and your audience coming back for more.

Streamline your bets with BtrBet

Shareable with just a click, on any platform you use

Use the automatic analysis of your sports betting to demonstrate your credibility with your audience wherever they are. Whether you're sharing your stats on Discord or X, or showing your past performance on your BtrBet profile, BtrBet's analyses are meant to be social proof that your content is something that other bettors should listen to.